Modern Recycling India

Mutual Engineering Aspires to be Among the Top Mold Maker in India

Mutual Engineering Aspires to be Among the Top Mold Maker in India

Indian plastic industry mold producers are aspiring to cater both Indian and the overseas market. The mould makers are keen on expanding their footprints beyond India especially evolving scenario is favouring the expansion considering the  world is looking beyond China to build an alternate supply chain.

“We consider the current phase as the golden period for the tool makers in India, since we hail from the plastics industry, I would urge Indian tool makers to rise up and not only focus on thriving Indian market, but also rise up to serve the global market like Europe or the US as the western world is consciously looking at developing an alternate supply chain to China and this offers great opportunity for India to fill the void and focus on exports besides catering the domestic market,” stated  Drumil J Gandhi, Manging Director, Mutual Engineering Pvt Ltd (MEPL) in an exclusive interview to Modern Plastics at the recently concluded TAGMA Die Mold Exhibition at Mumbai.

He further emphasized, “This is a very exciting time and next five years will see lot of growth and lot of traction in the tool making industry of the country.”

MEPL operates two sites in Vasai (Mumbai) and capacity to build injection moulds ranging from 100-3500T and above. It has expertise in design engineering, series production moulds & moulding services, project management & industrialization.

“We have been building injection molds for the plastics industry for the past 40 years. Our focussed area is auto motive industry and our speciality is large size moulds”

The company caters to automotive and miscellaneous group of industries with application of moulds ranging from auto exteriors, interiors and technical performance parts besides manufacturing molds for other consumer discretionary industries such home appliances, industrial electrical, electronic and medical devices.

Last year has been very successful as MEPL built as many as 12 bumper tools in 12 months.  “We believe no other Indian tool makers have done across multi brands like Toyota, Honda, Stanlentis, Tata Motors & Mahindra.” MEPLs clientele has large client base in the Indian automobile industry catering almost every major auto OEM in the country.

Mumbai headquartered company has positive vibes regarding growth in 2024. “We are very upbeat in the new year, while going into the 2024.”

MEPL greatest strength is its 360 degree approach that focusses on nurturing talent pool and continued focus on customer. “Our vision is to be among the top three 360 degree tooling services companies in India in terms of people practices, customer experience and revenue.”

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